Corporate Information
You can read ICE’s Modern Slavery statement here
Find information about our offices based in:
International Copyright Enterprise Services Ltd.
(London, UK)
Registered address:
Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5EH
Registered office: London, United Kingdom
Corporate registration number: 08983089
VAT Number:GB 195 9391 49
Board of Directors:
Dr. Rainer Minz (Chairman)
Frank Ramond
Paul Stuart
Tobias Holzmüller
Anders Wollbeck
Dr. Ralf Weigand
Andrea C. Martin
Mark Krajewski
Julian Nott
Casper Bjørner
International Copyright Enterprise Services Ltd Complaints Procedure
Policies and Procedures
We deal fairly with prospective, new and existing licensees in accordance with the terms of our licences; our licensing policy and by clearly explaining music licensing requirements and the information we need you to provide.
We are committed to providing you accessible information on the rights covered by our licences and the territories they are available in. When we receive all your relevant information we will, without undue delay, offer you a licence or give reasons explaining why we cannot offer you a licence.
International Copyright Enterprise Services Ltd – Articles of Association
ICE International Copyright Enterprise Germany GmbH
(Berlin, Germany)
Registered Address:
Lützowstraße 100
10785 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 2089867-10 / Email:
Informationen gemäß § 5 TMG:
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer (gem.§ 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz) : DE815534305
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 162426 B
Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Peter de Mönnink
Information pursuant to § 5 TMG:
VAT Identification Number (pursuant to § 27a German VAT Act) : DE815534305
Business Seat: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg (Berlin Local Court), HRB 162426 B
Managing Director: Peter de Mönnink
Board of Directors:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Minz (chairman)
Andrea C. Martin
Mark Krajewski
John Minch (deputy Julian Nott)
Casper Bjørner
Carina Brorman
Kerstin Mangert
Lorenzo Colombini
Dr. Ralf Weigand (deputy Hans-Georg Meuser)
Michael Ohst (deputy Sabine Meier)
Customer complaint
If you are a customer of ICE and feel dissatisfied with the service you are receiving, please primarily contact your Account Manager and/or submit your complaint via the Service Portal. If we are unable to resolve your concern in the first instance the Escalation procedure, as set out in the ICE Services Customer contract, will apply.
Should you not have a copy of the Escalation procedure available, we will provide it to you on request.
Commitments complaint
Should you have any queries and/or issues relating to the commitments to the European Commission dated 1 April 2015 in case M. 6800, entered into by PRS for Music, STIM, GEMA and ICE (the “Commitments”) a fast track resolution procedure is available. Please contact
Should you be interested in reviewing the Commitments in full they can be accessed via the European Commission’s webpage.
General complaint
Should you have a general complaint, please contact us by post, phone or e-mail.
Postal address:
ICE International Copyright Enterprise Germany GmbH
Lützowstraße 100
10785 Berlin
Phone number: +49 (0) 30 2089867-10
E-mail address:
ICE Operations AB
(Stockholm, Sweden)
Registered address:
Box 17092, 104 62 Stockholm, Sweden
Registered office:
Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Hornsgatan 103, 104 62 Stockholm, Sweden
Besöksadress: Hornsgatan 103, 104 62 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 2089867-10 / Email:
ICE Operations AB är registrerat hos Bolagsverket ( under organisationsnummer 556723-5907
Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT-nummer): SE556723590701
ICE Operations AB is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket – under corporate registration number 556723-5907
VAT Identification Number: SE556723590701
ICE Operations AB is a Swedish limited liability company (Sw. aktiebolag) and is legally represented by its Board of Directors. In addition, the managing director, in combination with any one of the board members, or any two jointly of the board members, are entitled to represent the company.
Managing Director: Peter de Mönnink
Board of Directors:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Minz (chairman)
Andrea C. Martin
Mark Krajewski
John Minch (deputy Julian Nott)
Casper Bjørner
Carina Brorman
Kerstin Mangert
Lorenzo Colombini
Dr. Ralf Weigand (deputy Hans-Georg Meuser)
Michael Ohst (deputy Sabine Meier)